When I was a young boy my brothers and I watched, and rewatched a movie called “3 Ninjas” over and over.
We thought it was the best movie ever created only second to “Home Alone”.
There was a scene in that movie where the grandpa was training his 3 grandkids how to become ninjas and he exclaimed…”never get into a fight that you can’t win”.
We quoted this as well as other lines of the movie while rolling on the floor, kicking, punching and throwing ninja stars made out of popsicle sticks.
Looking back on this movie it is actually quite cheesy. However, we had some great memories with it.
But I think the grandpa’s wisdom is wise.
Just like in business you need to know your key metrics i.e. your numbers so you know if you are going to be profitable i.e. win.
Some businesses will never succeed because of a bad product or other factors.
Assuming you have a good product, good marketing, and great service…
You can still fail if you don’t know your key numbers in the business.
As I get to speak to many of my clients, a large majority don’t initially know their numbers for retirement and what to expect.
So the first part of our process is establishing CLARITY.
If you don’t know your key numbers, you could fail…
In the retirement world, that could be a scenario where you run out of your pennies.
Not a fun spot to be.
Gotta know your numbers.
The first number to know is your income number.
Or in other words, the income you will need to keep the same standard of living you have now.
I mean, who wants to have a lower standard of living later in life?
I sure don’t.
I still want to have some fun.
The next layer is having an action plan to reach a high level of certainty that will keep that same level throughout retirement.
(That’s what we call Continuous Cash Flow.)
…Certainty that you will maintain the same standard of living through your retirement years.
Once you have those assurances, man you will have a much more enjoyable retirement.
First off, gotta get locked into the right numbers.
And knowing what asset(s) should be around to help you achieve the first level of certainty in retirement….
And that’s knowing you could cover your living expenses every month.
If you’re looking for more assurances, there’s no better time than right now to look at the numbers.
Fortunately, it’s part of our Continuous Cashflow Process.
To help you potentially arrive at CERTAINTY.
If you would like to gain some clarity or certainty just reply back to this email and we will find a time to chat.
Have a great weekend!
Remember — It’s Your Time…