When I was about eight years old I remember going to a surf shop. Back then velcro wallets with zippers on the front to hold change were pretty cool.
I looked at the price tag… $11.00
Cool that’s the exact amount I had saved up and in my pocket.
So in my excitement I bought the wallet.
After cutting off the tag I proudly put the wallet in my pocket and was surprised how easily it fit.
I was so excited…until…
A few minutes later I realized that I had no money to put in my newly purchased wallet. (Insert sad face here) 🙁
Now I was just a poser with a cool wallet and no money in it.
Are you a spender or a saver?
When you have a big purchase coming up, like a car, house, wedding, vacation etc. How do you operate? Do you create a savings plan, save up and then use those funds? Or do you borrow the funds or put it on your credit card and make payments.
What if I told you that there was a better way?
In this video I show you how you can get out of the saver/spender trap and set yourself on a path to amassing wealth.
If you are looking to get this continuous cash flow system set up for you let’s jump on a call and make sure you are eligible.
Remember — It’s Your Time…