As we are preparing for our limited July 4th celebrations this year I have naturally been thinking about our freedoms. When I think about freedom I see it in two different forms.... Group …
To The Givers…
Today happens to be my Mom’s birthday! For anyone that is lucky enough to know her has experienced the fact that if you need help with something, she will drop whatever she is doing and jump in with …
And The Reason Is…
My wife and I just started a new personal development course with Darren Hardy this past week and it really has got me thinking [And reminded me of the picture below of my wife and I in front of the …
Run…Run…Gingerbread Man
A few years ago I was privileged enough to volunteer at the Boys & Girls club at an inner city location. The children there were so fun and excited about life. One of our activities was to …
Sour Candy and Pucker Faces
When I was a kid my brothers and I loved to punish ourselves by eating the popular candy called “War Heads”. If any of you remember these, they were excruciatingly sour to start and then after about …
Perspective and Reality
Earlier this week after dinner our family went swimming. As I turned on the water to the slide, I noticed a small leak between the gasket of the two slide pieces. I was actually kind of annoyed …