One of the sweetest joys in life is to have your kids, grandkids, nieces or nephews find a book, bring it to you and request that you read to them outloud. One of my sons is so adamant, that he …
Remove the Superfluous Buns
In the 90’s, a movie called "Father of the Bride" quickly became one of our family’s favorites to watch. In this film Steve Martin plays a nervous father that is starting to break down because of the …
Two Boys a Hose and Too Much Time
When I was about 13 years old or so my Dad had a construction project he was working on. He always loved putting us boys to work so he brought me and my brother, who was about 10 years old, to help …
A Snake Hole and a Sword
This last week my family and I went on a hike near the Superstition mountains. The conditions were ideal, blue skies, cool air and you could hear the birds while walking through the green …
Fearful, Greedy, Blood In the Streets
This past week has been spring break for my kids that are in school. We decided to take them to Disneyland in Southern California. We had a great time and we all came back healthy and …
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Robots or Media Who Is Worse For the Market
About a year and a half ago my wife and I traveled to London and Paris. I had a few meetings over there before we toured around and saw the sites. In Paris we saw something that looked …
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