Have you ever heard of the Battle of Little Bighorn?
One of the most fascinating parts is…
The discovery of General Custer.
I’ve known some basic things about this battle…at a 10,000 foot level of what happened at this battle.
Custer was quite a character.
He loved the chase.
Some say he loved it even more than his wife.
Nothing exhilarated him more.
Up to his final stand, it possibly helped him become a national hero.
Custer took a stance…you could say his first stance…for his love of the chase in war.
In the end, it led to his last stand.
Where he lost his life. (See Far Side Comic below)
Some people take a certain stance when it comes to growing their wealth.
Such as…
“I need to “chase” the biggest returns to grow my wealth”
“I need to grow the largest nest egg versus focusing on income for life.”
Sure…good returns and a large nest egg help to solve some problems.
Yet, if you’re always chasing the biggest return, sometimes that could have you put your pennies into places that also could give you the biggest losses.
That stand could lead to your final stand where you might run out of all your pennies.
Instead, you might want to strategically put a calculated portion to work with healthy and good returns, yet eliminate the chance for losses.
Especially as you approach and enter retirement.
Don’t fall in love with the wrong chase.
It might end up being your final stand.
Hope you all have a fun and safe Labor Day weekend!
Remember — It’s Your Time…