If you have grown up going to Sunday school you have heard the quote about money more than once…
“For the love of money is the root of all evil…” 1 Timothy 6:10
I think many have misinterpreted the meaning of the bible verse. We have to remember money is just paper or nowadays numbers on a screen. It is not inherently good or bad.
It’s where our heart is and our focus is.
Really it is a magnifier. If you are self focused, greedy, impatient, prideful, stubborn etc. having more money will make you more of that.
If you are family focused, selfless, generous, kind etc. having more money will be a blessing to the world.
I know you aren’t reading these emails for a Sunday school lesson, and honestly that’s not my place.
My point is if you have good desires and I can help you and your family be more financially secure and wealthy then together we can impact the world for good.
I think you can agree that the world is in great need for a lot of good right now.
But this all starts with VISION.
Remember the other bible verse: “Where there is no vision, the people perish:” Proverbs 29:18
Here is another great quote about vision:
“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” – Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Watch this video about VISION and how it relates to the increase of your wealth.
Remember — It’s Your Time…